Pablo de Azcárate y Flórez (* 1890 in Madrid; † 1971 in Genf) war ein spanischer Diplomat und im Jahr 1936 Botschafter der Zweiten Spanischen Republik im Vereinigten Königreich.
Pablo de Azcárate y Flórez (* 1890 in Madrid; † 1971 in Genf) war ein spanischer Diplomat und im Jahr 1936 Botschafter der Zweiten Spanischen Republik im Vereinigten Königreich.
#1584 Brief an Pablo Azcárate
Datierung | 1938-10-07 |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 2 S., T |
Provenienz | YUL, Manuscripts and Archives, Ernst Toller Papers (MS 498), Box 1, Folder 4 |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Azcárate, Pablo
Azcárate, Pablo Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen |
New Statesman and Nation (London) |
Werke | Eine Jugend in Deutschland |
His Excellency
The Ambassador of Spain
Senior Azcárate
October 7th, 1938.
The enclosed cutting of “The New Statesman and Nation” will show you that I fully realize the danger of an unwise treatment of the food problem in governmental Spain. I appreciate the frankness of your words and I imagine very well that you first wish to be sure who I am, how I shall act and whether the plan is worth of any support. – When I was member of the Bavarian government, all kinds of busy-bodies came to see me, who all had in their pockets a plan for the salvation of the problems of the world. In my book “I was a German” which I take the liberty to send you, I describe these specimen of mankind. – Do also not believe that I have any illusions about a quick realization of the scheme. On the other hand I do not think that this moment, when certain democratic governments have a bad conscience and are under the pressure of public opinion may be politically wrongly chosen.
It may appear a bit strange and queer to you that one man dares to undertake such an enterprise. The technical reason is: I have watched the proceedings of the League of Nations these last twenty years and I know their weakness and uncapacity – especially in the last years, to come to any positive results. Whatever has been done in these last years, was always the work of a limited number of governments, outside the framework of the League of Nations.
On the other hand you have a great symbolic figure in the Spanish literature: “Don Quijote” who once single-handed went into the world, to fight for justice and liberty. Whether I shall end as Don Quijote can be only decided by the effect. I think that our time needs some people who see reality, and in spite of that knowledge, have not lost the strength to dream.
Finally: thousands of people are working at this moment for Czechoslovakia, and only few for Spain. As tragic as the consequences of the betrayal of Czechoslovakia are, it is done. But Spain is fighting! And as long as the Spanish democracy goes on fighting, there remains an irritating moment for Europe and an encouragement for the democratic masses!
E. T.