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William Denis Johnston OBE (* 18. Juni 1901 in Dublin; † 8. August 1984) war ein irischer Dramatiker.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

William Denis Johnston OBE (* 18. Juni 1901 in Dublin; † 8. August 1984) war ein irischer Dramatiker.

#1564 Brief an Denis Johnston

Datierung 1938-04-21
Absendeort New York City, New York, USA
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen

Provenienz The Trinity College Library, Dublin, Denis Johnston Papers (TCD MS 10066), 287-2997
Briefkopf -
Personen Johnston, Denis
McCall, Monica
Webster, Margaret
Madden, Richard J.
Toller, Ernst
Johnston, Denis
Institutionen Curtis Brown
Abbey Theatre (Dublin)
Werke Blind Man’s Buff

Ernst Toller

Hotel Mayflower

15, Central Park West

New York City

April 21st 1938

My dear Denis,

it would take not one letter but a book to write you about all the happenings of the last two months. Our play was already accepted by three different producers. (Of course not at the same time.) I had to attend innumerable meetings where not only the question of the director was discussed and decided, but also the beginning of the rehearsals, the date of the opening, a. s. o. Whenever it came to the signing of the contract something always happened: One producer got an offer to come to Hollywood, another wanted suddenly to have the whole first act and the last rewritten, and what happened with the third led to my decision to quit the Curtis Brown Agency and to go to Richard Madden. As much as I am fond of Miss McCall personally, our affairs were not efficiently handled. It’s too boring to tell you all the details. Let me tell you the present situation. The one producer who still wants to produce BLIND MAN’S BUFF refuses to deal with Curtis Brown because of one happening which to tell you in details is boring too. In any case Richard Madden has taken over my affairs and I hope he will be also your representative. One needs in New York a strong man as agent who is able to deal with these moody and unreliable theatre producers and capable of protecting the author. Besides of this Madden is a friend of yours and mine.

I am sending you the altered last scene. I would like so much if you could go through it and insert it in the book edition.

I was so glad to learn that BLIND MAN’S BUFF has been revived again at the Abbey. When one of the producers had engaged Margaret Webster as a producer, we decided to go together to Dublin and to discuss with you the final script. I took verbal agreements and engagements as compelling – English manners are different! Perhaps one day a contract will be reality and then I hope to see you.

Kindest regards,


Ernst Toller.