#1496 Brief an Selden Rodman
Datierung | 1937-01-08 |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T Der rechte Rand des Briefes ist verbrannt. |
Provenienz | University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Selden Rodman Collection, Box 9, folder 24 |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Rodman, Selden
Rodman, Selden Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen | Farrar & Rinehart |
Werke | Das Schwalbenbuch |
Dear Seldon:–
After having read the translation of [the] Swallow Book I must tell you how deeply grateful I [am] to you.
You have not only produced a translation which reads like an English composition but you have, to my great surprise, followed the peculiar rhythm of verses. When I read the English poems I need not [...] the tone, so much is it the same as the original G[erman] verse.
After reading the book I have still m[...] a desire to re-write the other verses contained in [...] I know it will not take you weeks, for the intensity [will] transfer itself to the new verses and everything w[ill be] over in a few hours’ time.
Did you get the money from Farrar & R[inehart?]
With kindest regards,
You[rs ever,]
E[rnst Toller.]
Ernst Toller
Barbizon Plaza Hotel
101 West 58th Street
New York City