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Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1494 Brief an Selden Rodman

Datierung 1937-01-01
Absendeort La Quinta, Kalifornien, USA
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T mit handschriftlichen Eingriffen

Provenienz University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center, Selden Rodman Collection, Box 9, folder 24
Briefkopf La Quinta
Personen Rodman, Selden
Stern, Selma
Rodman, Selden
Toller, Ernst
Institutionen Farrar & Rinehart
Werke Vormorgen
Das Schwalbenbuch

January 1st. 1937

My dear Seldon –

I was delighted to hear that you did the new English version of the “Swallowbook” in 17 hours – I hope that it will have all the elements of such passionate work. The check will be sent to you by Farrar & Rinehart.

Regarding your wish to include the Swallowbook into your own collection of poems I unfortunately am not in the position to decide – since Farrar & Rinehart are sole proprietor of the book – you will hear from them. By the way – as you have worked so quickly and as I believe there is time enough to do it – would you not go through the other poems also? They are published in German in a book called “VORMORGEN” you can get a copy either through the Public Library or through my secretary Miss Stern who’s address is: Miss Selma Stern, Manhattan Towers Hotel 927 Broadway Susquahanna 7-1900 and phone number: Ext 927

I shall be back in N. Y. C. on January 25th, and I promise you not to let you down.

It rains in California – but I am in a paradise of a desert for a couple of days

Cordially yours

Ernst Toller.