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Harry E. Edington (* 16. März 1888 in Washington, Kansas; † 10. März 1949 in Beverly Hills, Kalifornien) war ein US-amerikanischer Filmproduzent und Agent.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1490 Brief an Barrett Harper Clark

Datierung 1936-12-20
Absendeort New York City, New York, USA
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T

Provenienz YUL, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale Collection of American Literature, Barrett H. Clark Papers (YCAL MSS 569), Box 6
Briefkopf Barbizon Plaza Hotel
Poststelle -
Personen Clark, Barrett Harper
Lang, Lester
Munsell, Warren P.
Edington, Harry E.
Swerdlow, Irwin
Motherwell, Hiram
Toller, Ernst
Clark, Barrett Harper
Institutionen Dramatists Play Service
Eric S. Pinker and Adrienne Morrison
The Experimental Theater of Vassar College
Theatre Guild
Federal Theatre Project
Brandt & Brandt
Neighborhood Playhouse
Werke Masse Mensch
Die Maschinenstürmer
Nie wieder Friede!

December 20, 1936.

Mr. Barrett H. Clark

Executive Director, Dramatists Play Service

9 East 38th Street

New York, N. Y.,

Dear Barrett: –

I am sending you enclosed a copy of a letter which I received from Eric S. Pinker and Adrienne Morrison Incorporated. I am very content that Vassar College will do “No More Peace” and I agree also to the proposed fee.

Be so kind to wire Mr. Lang of the Experimental Theatre in Vassar.

Thank you for your letter of December 18th. I leave it entirely to you to deal with the Theatre Guild but please do not consider any compromise. I think it is amazing that Mr. Munsell does not make the slightest attempt to settle the matter and that he did not in spite of his promise send a statement regarding “Man & Masses.”

To-morrow afternoon at 5.30 I leave on the Twentieth Century for California. I should be very glad if you could give me a ring in the morning.

Kindest regards, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yours ever,

Ernst Toller.

1 enclosure.


P. S. Hiram Motherwell of the Federal Theatre Project would like to acquire “Machine Wreckers” for production. Is that not splendid? I informed him to get in touch with Brandt & Brandt. But what about Swerdlow’s production for the Old Neighborhood Play House. My address in California is:

c/o Harry E. Edington

Equitable Building

Hollywood, Cal.