Christiane Lili Grautoff (* 5. April 1917 in Berlin; † 27. August 1974 in Mexiko-Stadt) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin und die Ehefrau des expressionistischen Schriftstellers Ernst Toller.
Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.
#1426 Brief an Marie Meloney
Datierung | 1936-05-27 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T + Kuvert |
Provenienz | Columbia University Libraries, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Marie M. Meloney Collection |
Briefkopf | - |
Poststelle | London |
Personen |
Meloney, Marie
Grautoff, Christiane Toller, Ernst Meloney, Marie |
Institutionen | Gate Theatre Studio (London) |
Werke |
Eine Jugend in Deutschland
Nie wieder Friede! |
27. Belsize Square,
London, N. W. 3.
27. 5. 36.
Dear Missy,
It will be a pleasure for me to replace to you a copy of “I was a German”. If books are stolen (not ours of course!) it gives us always the pleasant certitude that they will be read.
It is so very kind of you to write that you will try to be of some use to me in my American tour. Of course you will be of some use, alone by your presence!
I think I shall stay in America until February, for I shall try to produce one of my plays in New York.
A new comedy of mine is going to be produced at the Gate Theatre and my wife will play one of the leading parts. I wish you could be here! – In Europe, though things are very sad, only the dictators are having a good time. They make their own policy, because they clearly know what they want. The other States tolerate the effects of their policy, because they do not know what they want.
With best wishes and love from Christiane and myself,
Yours ever,
Ernst Toller.