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Bruno Frank (* 13. Juni 1887 in Stuttgart; † 20. Juni 1945 in Beverly Hills) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1309 Brief an Benjamin W. Huebsch

Datierung 1934-12-08
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T

Briefkopf -
Personen Huebsch, Benjamin W.
Frank, Bruno
Huebsch, Benjamin W.
Toller, Ernst
Institutionen The New York Herald Tribune
New Statesman and Nation (London)
Das Neue Tage-Buch (Paris)
The Bodley Head (John Lane)
Werke Feuer aus den Kesseln
Wunder in Amerika
Seven Plays
Bruno Franks „Cervantes“

Ernst Toller

1. Lambolle Road,

London N. W. 3.

December 8th, 1934.

Dear Mr. Huebsch,

I send to-day a review to “Books” New York Herald Tribune, which review of Bruno Franks book “A man called Cervantes” was also published in “New Statesman and Nation” (London) and in “Das Neue Tagebuch” (Paris).

With the same post I send you the sheets of my “Seven Plays” which book will be published in January by John Lane. I am negotiating with some Theatres in New York about two of these plays, “Mary Baker Eddie” and “Draw the fires”.

There is no need to emphasize how I would be pleased, if you could take the book. John Lane would probably agree to deliver sheets for the American edition.

I would be glad to get your opinion as soon as possible. In springtime I probably shall come to New York and hope to see you then.

Yours sincerely