Weitere Briefe
#1204 Brief an Balter
Datierung | 1934-08-08 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Provenienz | UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Balter, ?
Balter, ? Toller, Ernst |
Ernst Toller
83, Finchley Road,
London N. W. 8.
August 8th, 1934.
Dear Mrs. and dear Dr. Balter,
I was very happy receiving your card and I hope that you have enjoyed your holidays.
I depart to Cornwall for some weeks and hope to see you after my return.
I met the children by chance in a barbers shop. They looked very well and were rather excited because they were to depart to the seaside on the next day.
With kind regards