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George Bernard Shaw (* 26. Juli 1856 in Dublin, Irland; † 2. November 1950 in Ayot Saint Lawrence, England) war ein irischer Dramatiker, Politiker, Satiriker, Musikkritiker und Pazifist, der 1925 den Nobelpreis für Literatur und 1939 den Oscar für das beste adaptierte Drehbuch erhielt.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1179 Brief an Harold Frederick Rubinstein

Datierung 1934-07-28
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 2 S., T

Mit handschriftlichem Postskript

Provenienz T1: British Library, Add MS 63455 - f. 55
T2: UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers
Briefkopf -
Poststelle -
Personen Rubinstein, Harold Frederick
Nichol, ?
Shaw, George Bernard
Toller, Ernst
Rubinstein, Harold Frederick
Institutionen League of British Dramatists
Friends House London
Welwyn Folk Players
Barn Theatre (Welwyn Garden City)
Toynbee Hall Players
Toynbee Hall
Society of Friends
Werke Masse Mensch

Ernst Toller

83, Finchley Road

London N. W. 8.

July 28th 1934.

Dear Mr. Rubinstein,

Thank you for your letter of July 24th. Of course you may deal with the inquiry of the Welwyn Folk Players.

I generally prefer a fixed fee for each production to a percentage. Mr. Nichol wrote me about this the following:

“Our difficulty is always one of royalties as our Barn Theatre holds only about 130 people. We run these shows for a week but often lose because of the strain of full royalties for each performance. Several of the writers give us some concession because of our position and it was this that induced Bernard Shaw to try to get them to modify their position in the case of theatres such as ours. He allows us a percentage basis but that is a degree of generosity which few dramatists can afford. – Anyhow we feel that your play is one that the people here ought to see and one that we ought to produce and we are going ahead.”

If the play will be performed at Welwyn Garden City I hope it will be possible to have it produced in a London theatre as “first performance”.

I cannot understand that the Toynbee Hall Players have not answered. I made another inquiry and heard again that “Masses and Man” in the Toynbee-Hall was performed at least during a week.

The Society of Friends was really generous transferring 10 Gns to me for the performance in the Friends House.

Yours sincerely

Ernst Toller.

In the meantime I got your letter of July 27th. I agree with your proposition for The Toynbee Hall Players.