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Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1131 Brief an Arthur Eustace Morgan

Datierung 1934-06-29
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 1 S., T

Provenienz UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers
Briefkopf -
Personen Morgan, Arthur Eustace
Morgan, Arthur Eustace
Toller, Ernst
Institutionen University College Hull

Ernst Toller

83. Finchley Road

London N. W. 8.

June 29th, 1934.

To the Principal of the

University College,


Dear Mr. Morgan,

As I am again in England I want to keep my promise. I don’t know when this term will end, probably in the end of July.

I can accept any date only July 17th would not be possible. I would be very glad if the lecture could take place.

Yours sincerely