Weitere Briefe
#1131 Brief an Arthur Eustace Morgan
Datierung | 1934-06-29 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Toller, Ernst |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Provenienz | UT, Harry Ransom Center, Ernst Toller Papers |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Morgan, Arthur Eustace
Morgan, Arthur Eustace Toller, Ernst |
Institutionen | University College Hull |
Ernst Toller
83. Finchley Road
London N. W. 8.
June 29th, 1934.
To the Principal of the
University College,
Dear Mr. Morgan,
As I am again in England I want to keep my promise. I don’t know when this term will end, probably in the end of July.
I can accept any date only July 17th would not be possible. I would be very glad if the lecture could take place.
Yours sincerely