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Peter Godfrey (* 16. Oktober 1899 in London, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 4. März 1970 in Hollywood, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten) war ein britischer Regisseur, Autor, Schauspieler und Bühnenproduzent mit moderater Hollywoodkarriere in den 1940er Jahren.

Ernst Toller (*1. Dezember 1893 in Samotschin, Provinz Posen; gestorben am 22. Mai 1939 in New York City, New York) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Politiker und linkssozialistischer Revolutionär.

#1039 Brief an James Ralph Pinker

Datierung 1933-10-16
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Toller, Ernst

Brief, 2 S., T

Provenienz New York Public Library, Berg Collection of English and American Literature, James B. Pinker and Son Collection of Papers
Briefkopf -
Poststelle -
Personen Pinker, James Ralph
Crankshaw, Edward
Gyseghem, André van
Godfrey, Peter
Forbes-Robertson, Jean
Toller, Ernst
Pinker, James Ralph
Institutionen The Observer (London)
The Bodley Head (John Lane)
James B. Pinker & Son
Werke Feuer aus den Kesseln
Wunder in Amerika
Die blinde Göttin


London W. 1., October 16th 1933

27, Sackville Street

Mr. J. Ralph Pinker

Talbot House

Arundel Street


Dear Pinker,

I believe, never in my life I have been so nervous and so crazy as I was to-day. This foolish woman in the Cavendish-Hotel with whom I fell in love in her capacity of a comedy-person, but who dealt with me as a swindler, entirely deranged me. My only consolation: that it was you who saw me in this madness and not – the Observer.

As to the negotiations with Lane I want to add this: The contract has to involve:

1. As a translator Mr. Edward Crankshaw is stipulated. After delivering the manuscript, what has to be not later than November 15th, Mr. Cr. gets 50 pound.

2. After the sale of 5000 copies the account does not take place half-yearly, but every one or two months.

After all I am much satisfied having chosen Lane. One rather goes to that publisher only who trusts in a book.

Please, give a ring to Crankshaw (Primrose 3225). He performed a few little corrections in the adaptation which are to be added to the multiplication. Please, have multiply the play as soon as possible. – Crankshaw told me this moment, that van Gyseghem has read the play and is prepared to perform it. Today he is going to speak to the director of the Embassy-Theatre. If he agrees we must approach Peter Godfrey and ask him to change the play, either for “Fire out of the boilers” or for my Mary Baker-Eddy-play “Miracle of America”. In this play the central person, governing the stage, Mary Baker-Eddy, seems expressly created for Jean Forbes-Robertson. I let you know as soon as I have got further information and ask you to give me a ring as soon as you read the “Blind Goddess”. Please, do soon, I should appreciate all to have settled before leaving for my lecture-tour for Switzerland.

This moment I am told the Cavendish-Hotel being known as lunatic asylum even in literature. Now, indeed, I am no longer surprised at the consequences of my visit!

Best regards,



Ernst Toller.

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