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#1202 Brief an Mary Trolley

Datierung 1934-08-04
Absendeort London, Großbritannien
Verfasser Eisenschitz, Marie

Postkarte, 2 S., T

Provenienz British Library, Add MS 63455 - f. 60
Briefkopf -
Personen Trolley, Mary
Baring, Rowland, 2nd Earl of Cromer
Trolley, Mary
Eisenschitz, Marie
Institutionen League of British Dramatists
Werke Die blinde Göttin

The League of British Dramatists,

11 Gower Street,

London W. C. 1.

Ernst Toller

83, Finchley Road

London N. W. 8.

August 4th, 1934.

Dear Mrs. Trolley,

“The Blind Goddess” has not received the Lord Chamberlain’s Licence till now.

Yours sincerely

p. Ernst Toller
