#1038 Brief an James Ralph Pinker
Datierung | 1933-10-12 |
Absendeort | London, Großbritannien |
Verfasser | Möller, ? |
Beschreibung | Brief, 1 S., T |
Provenienz | New York Public Library, Berg Collection of English and American Literature, James B. Pinker and Son Collection of Papers |
Briefkopf | - |
Personen |
Pinker, James Ralph
Möller, ? Pinker, James Ralph |
Institutionen | James B. Pinker & Son |
Werke |
Eine Jugend in Deutschland
Die blinde Göttin |
S. W. 1., October 12th 1933
33, Burystreet
Mr. J. Ralph Pinker
Talbot House
Arundel Street
W. C. 2.
Dear Mr. Pinker,
Please, be so kind to give me a ring tomorrow between 10 and 11.30. (Whitehall 4583)
The english version of the “Blind Goddess” is finished, I consider it to be extremely good.
Besides, as I wrote you before, I want to speak to you about the serious publication of my prose-book. The translation will be finished in one month. The book comes out in January.
Ernst Toller.
Ernst Toller had to leave immediately after dictating this letter. He begs your pardon that he did not sign himself.